Saturday, November 26, 2011

I first learned of the Enclosure Movement in England in a renaissance literature class at S.F. State. Though the professor's droning reading of his own papers brought yawns and prevented my full attention, this idea of the beginning of fences and borders that would lead to Manifest Destiny in the Americas stuck with me. When Orwell speaks of Oceania in the digest section of 1984 he includes the Americas, the British Isles and parts of Western Europe.

I have no claim to expertise in what went into the movement and online sources are slim. One short definition in summarizes:

"Division or consolidation of communal lands in Western Europe into the carefully delineated and individually owned farm plots of modern times. Before enclosure, farmland was under the control of individual cultivators only during the growing season; after harvest and before the next growing season, the land was used by the community for the grazing of livestock and other purposes. In England the movement for enclosure began in the 12th century and proceeded rapidly from 1450 to 1640; the process was virtually complete by the end of the 19th century. In the rest of Europe, enclosure made little progress until the 19th century. Common rights over arable land have now been largely eliminated."

Four centuries since the time of Shakespeare, it seems we've reached another milepost at the end of industrial revolution. It's become clear that as civilized animals who have technology, we may have gone as far as we can in "manifesting destiny". Postwar suburban sprawl has proven itself as unsustainable if abandoned towns and bankrupt city governments are any indication and Orwell's 1984 is prophetic. His claim of the State controlling the populace with armed police and control over resources--limiting access to food, shelter, etc. depending on your place within the caste sytem--would be seen as "paranoid" and "crazy" if not for events that have occurred over the last few years.

Naomi Klein's viral article "The Truth About the Crackdown on the Occupy Movement" from the Guardian U.K. lays out in clear terms that Occupy's "dissent"--a term which ironically fits of a movement who many claim to have no message or demand--is not welcome in our current climate of governmental shakeup. Klein writes, "The picture darkened still further when Wonkette and reported that the Mayor of Oakland acknowledged that the Department of Homeland Security had participated in an 18-city mayor conference call advising mayors on "how to suppress" Occupy protests."

The Department of Homeland Security defines centralized policing and security. Folks who would dispute that will also be not-so-politely asked to remove their shoes when traveling freely by airplane, a humiliating new reminder of control for Nietzsche's beasts (Genealogy of Morals).

Anyway, please excuse the pretentious exercise of reference and paraphrase. I will continually rewrite this essay (second day) till it is streamlined and informative.

The aesthetic argument of OWS is the most telling because it rejects : people are outside camping. This is a rejection of the status quo and in the bigger picture, the enclosure movement that has marked Oceanic culture since the invention of the printing press.

Find joy always, first and foremost, apart from bottom line. Outside of this simple physical/aesthetic decision, the matrix of words and politics must be objectified. You are not a number or a commodity. You are spirit incarnate. You must scramble and redefine what they are giving us, bending the matrix like an artist (Nietzsche said the artist is the one who changes the symbols). Everything must start over: university, spirituality, exchange of goods. There must be a hermetic seal with full awareness of how the power center operates at its borders. An organization like Burning Man is fully aware of its transcendent nature and maintains a relationship with law enforcement, thus, citizens of the temporary Black Rock City are more insulated from oppression than they are at an event like Love Evolution.

In a sense, we return to tribalism and natural law in our physical lives. As strange as it feels, we exist tribally--communicating physically--more than we realize. In our modernity, we've numbed ourselves to this fact. You are grumpy with a courageous soft heart. It's not going to be easy because we have to learn trust. I love you with all my heart. You are the children of the revolution.

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