Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Black Rock Arts Proposal 1 of 2

Studio 13 Portable Rehearsal Space

This art car aims at realty greed. There is a lack of spaces for SF musicians to rehearse, especially if they're working hard to ends meet. SF is one of the most expensive places to live, so the local scene lacks diversity compared to other places. Inspired by my virgin Playa adventure in 2011, the Studio 13 art car will be used by over half a dozen local bands ranging from hip-hop, dj-ing and turntablism, to hardcore and pop-punk bands among others. The name Studio 13 is in honor of the rehearsal space at Tommy Guerrero's Audiobox Studios that housed the Freshkimos, Golda Supernova, Slashton, Ghosts and Strings, among others, for over a year, a prolific time for all the bands before the two leasees could no longer afford the rent.

Aside from dedicated rehearsal space, the goals for the art car include:

1. Helping local music/education foundations.

2. Coordinating with activists communities like #OccupySF, S.F. Bike Coalition, Sunday Streets and Bindlestiff Studios to provide portable audio for hedonistic and political actions.

3. Creating a public talk show, Manafrio radio, coordinated with internet broadcast capabilities through fccfree radio and Local activists and journalists will be free to hold panels, interviews and give speeches. When no scheduled speakers are available and no band is using the car, people in public will be allowed to use the microphones to hold a conversation.

4. Bringing the Playa spirit to the S.F. streets by offering free rides to S.F. revelers at night, circling from the Mission to Potrero and through SoMa. This will cut down on drunk drivers and offer a magical experience for passengers. Hopefully this will spur other people with art cars to do the same.


The joyful pilot art car of Studio 13 is a converted van outfitted with dozens of mirrors within a metal frame. The mirrors, "The Sea of Vanity", creates an everchanging dance of color and reflective light while masking "the guts" of the car--a plug-in portable rehearsal space! The second level of the car is a wooden boat crafted by CCA masters student Peter L'abbe and inspired by outrigger construction of Southeast Asian boats (with removable outriggers), which will be adjoined by a spiral staircase and surrounded by a safety bar with perimeter benches, and cushions.

Our hope is that the voyage of Studio 13 helps bands who've been unable to rehearse and inspires the next generation of musicians through visits with our art car. Our intention is to be on a regular schedule with those involved in music education, help local bands rehearse and provide audio for a wide-range of purposes and activities in San Francisco.

Regular Stops

Dolores Park
Justin Herman Plaza
Powell St.
Sloat and Great Hwy.
Haight St. food truck outpost
Noe St. Farmers Market

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