Saturday, December 24, 2011

warehouse abstract

Current projects fit in the space how?

First major build out would be a "wall of windows", surrounding the music studio. This is a cheap way to get studio quality soundproofing. We can also insulate a first wall with blue jeans, or both walls. We can rig a pulley system that reconfigures the room so the bandspace is the open center.

Fake storefront entrance? -- Can we play w/portable subdivisions? Is this getting a little convoluted.

What would bring in money? Counseling--------->(wtf, Jon?) Psychologists would be present to interact with no preconceived notion of structured hierarchy. How this relates is a little obtuse.

BRAF--I have to believe that their revolutionary premise interpreting a "decolonization aspect" through their diversity clause in their mission statement makes them okay. Extending this to the Bayview Boom festival, we can provide more access to the public with a non-profit or education designation. A community would benefit as a vocational aspect is provided. In a horizontal integration we can supplement places that are doing metal work, etc. Connections to neighbors in skilled trades is the center of this.

List of hypothetical projects

1. band rehearsal/music studio
2. community workspace w/ set hours
3. subdivided art space (though this has been done, what makes this different?"
4. Gallery/cafe space
5. Theater
6. Co-op/hostel
Beyond the potential fun for this property, what sort of professional front/business plan can we put together and execute?

Theory of Fluid Space--the living situation changes depending on what type of projects are happening.

1. Reverse Everything--project becomes living space center-these are compressed and fluid.

2. Dedicated Areas are Anchored (yet may be portable)
a. kitchen
b. bathrooms
c. shared comfort zone, communal, where our friends are free to stay.
d. band room
e. stage
f. Deitch-inspired skate bowl installation

Essentially, it doesn't have to be dogmatic with an overly-complex mission statement. The progressive thing would be making a decentralized zone aware of the specifics of each project whether artistic, spiritual, hedonistic or civic in nature. Essentially it's a playhouse, where artistic work ethic, community and joy are the center. We're attempting to further our careers in a multi-disciplinary time.

Observing other spaces

a. SummitSF would be more successful if it escaped the subdivisions. There is an air of seriousness inside from space users that the patrons are not privy to, thus the weight and lack of customer interaction. (pretentious)

b. Ritual Valencia has is anchored by a huge box surrounded by pseudo-scientific coffee-making devices. Glaring waste of space and somewhat formulaic.

c. Philz, Folsom and 24th--Fluid Space!! So fucking old school. Middle Eastern practicality that has grown as the business has grown. It's organic without trying too hard. the product is good and the atmosphere is homie instead of staged.

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